The existing historic masonry façade was experiencing distress and deterioration due to many years of exposure and aging. The complete masonry façade was evaluated with a hands on investigation to identify necessary repairs and implement a complete rehabilitation of the façade. In addition, mechanical modifications required structural analysis and strengthening of interior structural members.
Klein and Hoffman was retained as the exterior façade consultant to Booth Hansen, the Architect of Record for the building restoration project. Services include: structural design of necessary building modifications to accommodate an updated mechanical system; assisted the architect with window and roof replacement consultations; performed hands-on investigation of façade conditions and development of repair scope; building cleaning; preparation of repair details and specifications; and limited construction phase services
Urbana, IL
Facade Repair
Systems & Interiors
Structural Rehab / Adaptive Reuse
Mid Rise
Todd Gorrell, Principal
Terry McDonald, Associate Principal
Tom Gabel, Senior Associate I