Healthcare building enclosure systems are challenged with not only providing a barrier for the environment but also must prevent the moisture level within the enclosure system from becoming elevated resulting in water damage of mold development. K&H initially recommended key modifications to the enclosure system which inherently result in improved condensation resistance. Detailed review of the design and submittal documents were conducted in a supportive manner with team agreement of suggestions being easily made. Currently the vertical enclosure system is recently complete and has successfully passed all site testing without issue.
Services provided were based on NIBS Guideline 03. K&H participation included milestone design reviews and active participation in: subcontract awards, subcontractor submittal development, trade coordination, submittal review, laboratory performance testing, field testing, construction observation and punch listing. In addition to our review of work produced by others, K&H performed computer enclosure simulations using THERM and WUFI to independently check and offer suggestions for areas of concern. The enclosure systems are currently on time and on budget with minimal open items or issues. Application of the commissioning process has positioned the team to perform in a highly effective manner, and K&H is proud to share in the ongoing success of this project.
Chicago, IL
Systems & Interiors
High Rise
Glenn Johnson, Associate Principal